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Workers' Compensation

Workman's Comp

At Center City Injury Lawyer we are committed to helping individuals who have been injured at work. Most employees in Pennsylvania are covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance which is paid by their employer. This coverage pays for medical care, lost wages and disability benefits. While accidents are the most common form of on-the-job injuries, you may also be entitled to benefits if you have a work related occupational illness or disease.

What happens if your claim is denied?

Once you report your work injury to your employer and its workers' compensation insurance carrier, they must tell you if your claim will be accepted or denied in writing within 21 days. If they don't notify you in writing within 21 days the claim is considered denied. The employer in some instances may try to deny your claim for cost savings or to see if you will drop your claim. Since your claim can be denied without notice, it is very important to call The Law Office of Eric Nash, Esq. at 215-540-8000 as soon as the injury occurs.

If you employer refuses to allow you to file for an workers' compensation injury you need to consult with a lawyer to file a claim petition. Independent contractors are not eligible for workers' compensation benefits.

Medical Treatment

If the employer has a posted list of at least 6 approved health care providers,you are required to treat with the company providers for the first 90 days after the first initial Doctor's visit. After the first 90 days or if the employer does not have a posted panel of physicians, call us at 215-540-8000 and we will provide a health care provider for you.

Lost Wages or Benefits

You may be eligible for wage benefits if your doctor restricts you from work for a period of 7 days or more. However, you must be off work for 14 days to receive benefits for the initial 7 days off. There is no set time limit to receive benefits. You can receive benefits until you are able to return to work, or until your claim is settled. A fully litigated claim petition can take up to 9 to 12 months before a workers' compensation judge can render a decision.

Statute of Limitations

Their is a 3 year statute of limitation applies to the filing of a claim petition, seeking workers' compensation benefits for an alleged work injury. The statute of limitations for an occupational disease is 300 weeks from date of last exposure.



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